Sunday, 5 January 2014

Capturing Dad

Capturing dad was the wonderful movie I saw on the final day of film festival and that movie made my day. The Japanese movie stole the heart of many people including me. It was the story of a divorce woman who is a lottery seller, raises her two girls in full value of life. She decides to send them to watch their dad in his bed dying of cancer. The only thing she told her daughters was to take a photograph of her dying father. The girls were told that their mother want to see the expression on their fathers face when dying. The movie progress through the girl’s journey to the dads place without knowing their father is dead. But nothing affects the girls in an emotional way because they were not so acquainted with their dad. The girls see it as a pleasure trip to capture the photograph of their dad. The elder sister sees it as an opportunity to be an adult. But she has to confront family issues and the burial of a man who is barely known to them, she handles the situation really well thou. The meeting of the  girls with their half brother Chihiro was really wonderful and cute. Chihiro bagged the attention and love of every viewer.

The casting of the movie adds to the success of the movie. Despite of that I personally felt that the director could have captured the funeral house and the emotions within the family and between the distant relatives in much more expressive way. I felt it very flat apart from the performance of our two girls and Chihiro. There is a detached irony throughout the movie. It portrays death and loss in a very cheerful way. The ending of the movie was also wonderful which connects the tuna fish irony. There was no other better way to end the movie in an astonishing way.

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